Chore Chart Ideas and Other Creative Ways to Motivate Kids

Summer is in full swing, and if you’re like lots of parents, you have some bored kids and a chaotic house. But, kids anywhere from age two to 12+ have the ability to help you out! Here are some ways to motivate your kids to help with chores, including our favorite family chore chart ideas.

1| Pick the right chores for your kids

Not sure which chores to have kids help with? Consider their interests and age. The Center for Children & Youth has a helpful list of chores to try by age group. Here’s a preview:

  • Ages 2-3: Put away toys, throw away trash

  • Ages 4-5: Feed pets, clean spills

  • Ages 6-8: Fold laundry, vacuum

  • Ages 8-9: Load dishwasher, put away groceries

  • Ages 10-11: Mow lawn, clean car

  • Ages 12+: Mop floors, prepare meals

2| Don’t be afraid to push them

Most experts agree that it’s okay to push your kids to try something new and foreign with your help and supervision. They’ll learn from experience and build confidence along the way.

3| Bump the tunes

Kids and adults alike love music, so play their favorite upbeat jams while you clean together. Even better, your chore time might break into a dance party some days.

4| Use a reward system

Just like a commission system at work or the points back on your credit card, a reward system can be extremely motivating and fun. One idea is to give your child one star on their chore chart for every day they do all their chores according to schedule. Then, after they get ten stars, perhaps they can pick what you have for dinner or have a special playdate with friends.

When our kids were young, we would use this system and reward them with trips to the zoo and other fun places.

5| Make a fun chore chart

Once you know who’s doing what and when, it’s time to make a handy-dandy chore chart so the family can keep everything straight. And, kids love checking things off a list! The Incremental Mama’s chart is one of our favorites, and she also has a customizable version. She suggests laminating it and hanging it somewhere where it’ll be top-of-mind, like the fridge.

6| Pick a chore

If you’d like to mix up the typical chore chart once in a while, write down chores on pieces of paper, fold them, and place them in a hat or fishbowl. Let the kids take turns picking them so they can try different things. If you’re feeling extra awesome, add a few “gift” pieces of paper like the new Wi-Fi password or a “coupon” for a free ice cream date with mom.

7| Play dress up

Do you feel more apt to kick butt at work when you have nice work clothes on? Help your kids suit up for chore time and they’ll feel like they’re doing a job—and they’ll want to do it well. Maybe you give your kiddo a fireman’s hat while they help water the yard, or their very own apron to help with the dishes. Badges and name tags can be fun, too!

Like our family chore chart ideas? We have tons of helpful info on our blog for busy parents.

And, if you want a little extra help keeping your house clean, that’s what we do best. Book your free estimate today for any kind of home cleaning service you might need—we’re here to help.


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